Oui came for us at 9AM. We went straight to the market. We love markets!!
From the market we went directly to Oui’s kitchen. Everything was set and ready for our cooking class.
If you want to take a Thai cooking class in Chiang Mai. I highly recommend Oui. This is a link to her Facebook page trichadathecookeryhome
I should have probably focused more on learning than taking pictures but everything was so good and colorful that I couldn’t resist. Hopefully next time we will come to Chiang Mai with plenty of time to spare.
Oui’s post of our cooking day on facebook https://www.facebook.com/pg/trichadathecookeryhome/photos/?tab=album&album_id=1226894690707073
She dropped us back in our hotel, we were there for about 30 minutes and took a taxi to the airport.