Miami, Florida

I’m going back through my photos and found some I took in Miami back in February of this year.

It was Saturday around 10 AM. A cold and windy day for Miami’s standard. The poor birds didn’t try to fly. You can see the wind blowing the feathers of the bird on the left in the picture below.

These photos were taken another day. It was on Sunday, we woke up very early to go to South Beach and watch the sunrise.
At the time we were there……a woman was sitting enjoying the sunrise. A man was picking up trash. I was taking photos. Ali was walking. Others were exercising. A homeless man was dozing on a bench. The birds were flying happily………and it kept going on like that for every creature alive.

I’m still very shy about taking pictures of strangers. I was impressed about the great physical shape of this mature man (I think he was in his early 60’s).

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