Winter February 2015

Pussy Willow She has her nest in front of our house, when I’m sitting on my desk she would stand on a branch in front of my window and stare at me.    

Cool and Coolito

Cool and Coolito live in a lake nearby our house. I named the white one Cool and my sister-in-law started calling the other one Coolito 🙂 They quack when they see us coming and run toward us. One day Coolito was so excited that he came running and shaking his wings. Of course we always …

New York, Nemo, Mount Pocono

This post is mostly for my family and friends in Mexico. The last snowfall in Mexico city was in 1967. Ali and I traveled to NY early in the morning on February 8th. I thought we might go through lots of turbulence but the flight was very smooth. It was already raining when we arrived …